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May 09, 2007

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Motorcycle Reel Test: Hatch 9-Plus

Total Score: 11 out of 15

We graded each reel on a 1-5 scale in three areas:
1. Price
2. How the reel felt and reacted as the motorcycle sped away
3. How we like handling the reel

Then we made “judges deductions” for any beefs we had about the reels.

The Hatch Outdoors 9-Plus is the biggest reel the company markets … so far. There’s a bigger brother in development, but we threw this one to the lions. Retail is $800.
Score 3.5 out of 5

How it “Met the Street”
No warmup, no worries. We just tied it on and hit the gas. In terms of pure startup – that initial grab where the drag engages and the reel starts paying out line – this reel is one of the best. There are just no surprises. And that speaks very highly about the engineering of the drag.
Score: 4 out of 5

Functional Review
Aside from the motorcycle test, we recently fished Hatch reels down the length of the Baja and back. In the sand and the salt, and the grit … with all sorts of species pulling on them. The reels really perform well in terms of tolerance (no wobbles on the spool to frame connection) and the self-enclosed drag is very worthy.
Score: 4.5 out of 5

The one beef we have with these saltwater-sized Hatch reels is that the drag’s top-end braking power could get amped up just one more click. We also fished them for tarpon in Costa Rica, and had the drag maxed out. It was fine … perfect … but we wish we could have just one more gear in our back pockets.
Deduction: .5

Total Score: 11 out of 15

Watch More Reel Tests:

Trout Reels
Hatch 3-Plus
Nautilus 5
Abel Pt. 5
Ross Evolution
Orvis Battenkill
Mid Arbor

Scientific Anglers
System 2L Model 45L

Bauer JM2

Bonefish Reels
Sage 3400
Nautilus 8
Bauer MX4
Orvis Battenkill
Large Arbor

Big Game Reels
Orvis Vortex (VO2)  8-11
Nautilus 12
Hatch 9-Plus
Abel Super 10


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John Torok

Love the article Deeter. However, we were deducted points for the reel being $800 retail when in fact it's $725. Just bustin your chops amigo. Lets hook up a semi truck next time - I think I can stop it!!!!


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